The most comprehensive Weather Modification and Geoengineering Timeline Check out our features, maps, and educational resources.

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Welcome to Weather Modification History (WMH), the world’s most comprehensive weather control archive with hundreds of verified historical facts, images, and videos. WMH’s compelling evidence is easy to browse, exceedingly accurate, and encyclopedic in scope. This website was crafted by dedicated individuals to help you discern fact from fiction with meticulously organized research that offers the activist community a credible compendium.

Weather Modification History was created to inform the public of the extensive history of weather modification experiments. Our goal is to increase public awareness and debate about the moral and legal implications of today's multi-billion dollar weather control industry and the coming global governance of sunlight-blocking geoengineering schemes. This website will empower you to take action and raise awareness of the little known but lengthy history of weather modification and the men who dare attempt it.

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Our Interactive Timeline is loaded with quotes, reference links, photographs, and videos to fully explore the history of rain-making and geoengineering from weather warfare to the control of space.

Cloud Seeding
Space Weather


Hundreds of articles from newspapers and journals dating back to the 1800's!
Each article has been painstakingly recreated for easy reading!

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Speculation on the internet abounds on the subject of weather control. Many are searching for answers to the question “Is someone controlling our weather?” The answer is unequivocally yes. We will now explore ten weather modification technologies in use today and explain how each could be used as a weapon of war.

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In a video produced for the Washington Geoengineering Consortium (now FCEA), Dr. James Fleming, Professor of Science, Technology and Society, Colby College, historian & author of "Fixing the Sky: The Checkered History of Weather and Climate Control" (Columbia University Press, 2010) tells us that "history matters," and that while considering solar radiation management geoengineering approaches, we should understand what motivated and came of earlier attempts to control the world's weather and climate.

Contact Dr. Fleming JFlemingHistory on Twitter VIDEO: A Brief History of Weather and Climate Control


See cloud seeding programs, weather modification experiments, and geoengineering field trials. Monitor weather, tropical storms, and view satellite imagery in real-time!

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This PowerPoint presentation may be freely downloaded, distributed, and is intended to raise public awareness of a critical issue facing every organism on our planet: Geoengineering and Weather Modification. This presentation will shatter every conspiracy theory and educate you on the long history of hacking hurricanes, altering weather, and avoiding liability. Please download these files and share them with your representatives, the time for action is now!

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This presentation is a history lesson as well as a manual for understanding the electromagnetic modifications being made to our magnetosphere and ionosphere. I hope this presentation will separate fact from fiction for you, and I hope that you will click the reference links contained herein to continue learning about this fascinating topic.

Understand that much of this topic contains still-classified research and little known history, there will always be skepticism about some aspects of this presentation. Tesla’s technology is in the hands of military operators.

Presentation Page Download PowerPoint View on Google Slides FAQ Page


JUST THE FACTS ABOUT CLOUD CONTROL: How CBD, soot, and metals are used to blanket our skies, control weather globally, and why scientists, the military, and commercial aviation are doing it!

This presentation covers the history of contrail-induced cirrus, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests from the military, biofuels for contrail contrail, and how NASA, the FAA, UN, and ICAO want to make clouds by day and none by night.

Presentation Page netpas云墙官网 View on Google Slides FAQ Page

The Climate Changers and Water Wars: Technocracy, Geoengineering, and Replacing the Water Cycle

This presentation will show you how pollution, poison, and industry are systematically destroying our natural water cycle and how scientists and global think tanks (Technocrats) are replacing it with global weather control.

Fresh water has been dubbed “Blue Gold” in many publications as potable water will be to this century what oil was to the last century.

Presentation Page Download PowerPoint 云墙netfits FAQ Page

The Environmental Modification Accountability Act #ENMODAA

An Act To End Atmospheric Experimentation Without Notification

Our solution is an addendum to the international weather warfare ban requiring two things:
• TRANSPARENCY: a worldwide requirement to give 48 hour notice before modifying or experimenting in our sky or surrounding atmosphere.
• VERIFICATION: create a worldwide citizen-powered sensor network to monitor atmospheric conditions, record video footage of sky conditions, analyze rainfall samples, and display atmospheric aerosols in real-time on a publically available website.

Read Our Solution Download PowerPoint View on Google Slides

Hands Off Mother Earth Manifesto: A Permanent Ban on Geoengineering

110 civil society organizations and popular movements denounce geoengineering and demand an immediate stop to all open-air experiments.

If your organization would like to join the fight against geoengineering and endorse the HOME Manifesto, please send an email to 东北网2021年07月08日新闻汇总:楼市调整加速:开发商爱打价格牌 炒家降价套现 2021-07-08 11:11 [452][生活频道] 加息后 房贷利息破近十年最高纪录 2021-07-08 11:11 [453][东北网社会] 传董事长儿子被劫持 歹徒持枪索700万美元(图) 2021-07-08 11:10 [454][东北网社会].

Read the Manifesto Read the COP24 Press Release Geoengineering Monitor Map

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